Strategic healthcare consulting to build maternal health capacity in India


India loses one expectant mother every 11 minutes (World bank, 2016). When compared with developed nations like Singapore, India ‘s maternal mortality rate is 25 times higher and requires serious course correction.

One of the main reasons for such a high number of deaths is the lack of trained personnel to serve as skilled birth attendants. India needs 29,200 OBGYNs and 1.2 million nurses and industry estimates point out that at least 25 years are required to fulfil this requirement at current graduation rates.

In addition, research has also revealed that among the 0.3 million nursing graduates that come out of college every year only 10% are employable.

The client, a large philanthropic group with varied interests on-boarded Camomile to evaluate and implement their idea of systematically building capabilities to achieve better maternal health outcomes.

Camomile was to serve as the technical partner for the initiative to provide services across strategy, implementation, recruitment, digital health, SOPs and others.


Camomile and its team of healthcare consultants from public health, hospital practice, maternity care, medical education and digital health domains put together a 10-year strategy roadmap that addressed the various steps and initiatives to be taken to improve maternal health outcomes in the country.

The roadmap explained India’s maternal health ecosystem, the outcomes achieved and their impact on the society. The deep dive resulted in the emergence of a clear need for evidence based, respectful and compassionate maternal care among mothers in the Indian society.

The immediate next steps, near term and long-term goals to be achieved were detailed. Implementation plans with milestones and investments required were provided.

strategic healthcare consulting---maternal helath


The client is currently in the final phase of implementing the seed initiatives. The planned initiative shall,

  • Educate and train at least 1 million healthcare professionals to address maternal health
  • Provide respectful, evidence based, compassionate care to at least 25 million mothers by 2025
  • Create a model of excellence in maternal care where midwifery shall co-exist with obstetric care
  • Reduce unnecessary interventions including c-sections, episiotomies by at least 50%
  • Educate the mother and put her in charge of care

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